If I Could Turn Back Time: A Letter to My Younger Self

“Age does not necessarily equate to wisdom. Rather, experiences are the task master.”

C. G. Thomas

“If I knew then what I know now…” I whispered to myself with a light hint of disappointment.  How many times have you repeated that phrase?  I assure you I’ve heard those words slip from my mouth more times than I care to count.  I’m also certain that most of you can relate.  

 If I could turn back time, there are so many things that I would want to tell my younger self. I would want to tell her to be kinder to herself, to not be afraid of failure, and to always stay true to who she is. Here are a few pieces of advice that I would give to my younger self if I had the chance.

Be Kinder To Yourself

One of the things that I would tell my younger self is to be kinder to herself. I would tell her that it’s okay to make mistakes and that it’s okay to be imperfect. I would tell her that she is worthy of love and respect, even when she doesn’t feel like she is. Above all, I would tell her to be patient with herself—to give herself time to grow and learn and become the person she is meant to be.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure

I would also tell my younger self not to be afraid of failure. I would tell her that it’s normal to feel scared and uncertain, but that those feelings shouldn’t hold her back from chasing her dreams. I would tell her that failure is only permanent if she gives up, and that even the biggest failures can teach us important lessons. 

Stay True To Who You Are

Lastly, I would tell my younger self to stay true to who she is. I would remind her that there is only one person in this world like her, and that she has something special to offer the world. I would encourage her to never lose sight of her unique gifts and talents, and to use them to make a difference in the world. 

Dare To Be Different

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s okay to be different. In fact, it’s something to be celebrated! Embrace your quirks and let your light shine. The world needs your unique perspective.

No matter how old we get, there’s always something we wish we could go back and tell our younger selves. For me, those things are to be kinder, braver, truer, and to embrace my differences– four things that have helped me become the person I am today. What about you? What advice would you give your younger self if you had the chance?  I hope you’ve enjoyed your view inside the mind of Sugar Clark.  

Be Blessed!