“Shame and vaginal health should never occupy the same space.”
C.G. Thomas
Leave it to social media to make light of topics of extreme importance such as our lady bits. I have seen meme after meme around how women struggle at times to keep our lady bits in ship-shape order. Additionally, this is not a topic that most women feel comfortable discussing because of the stigma that follows women’s personal health. Vaginal health is important so here are my tips for keeping things in check.
This scent isn’t sexy
I am more than sure that I am not the only woman who may have felt uncomfortable about my vaginal scent at one point or another. The funny thing is, your pH balance can change from something as simple as using the wrong soap or wearing clothing that may be tight fitting.
Those who are uneducated about the female body assume the word “dirty” and vaginal odor go hand in hand; however that couldn’t be further from the truth. The vagina is finicky; you can be the cleanest person and still suffer from vaginal odor. Trust me when I say, all odors are not the same.
Here is my go-to regime to keep my girl happy…
Pre and Probiotics
This magic in the form of a pill has been my best friend. I learned, the fight doesn’t always originate from external sources and that what you ingest plays a huge role in keeping your vagina smelling like… nothing.
There have been recent studies that show probiotics when taken orally, may be a helpful defense against bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. I am not a physician and would encourage you to consult your primary care before starting this type of treatment and or preventative measure.
Suds and your girly parts
Ok this may spark a little debate because we all have our favorite products that we use for our girly upkeep. I do not use soap down there; nope no way, no can do! I’m typing and shuttering at the thought of my last encounter with a bar of soap in my nether region. NEVER AGAIN! I was irritated to the point of pain when sitting down. This unlucky encounter started my journey into researching products that were a better fit for my body.
My go to products are Honey Pot, Lemisol, and Lume Body Wash. I also use the Honey Pot panty spray (lightly) as well as another favorite all natural oil (after a shave) called Bona Dea. If what you are currently using fails the sniff test then you should keep researching things that will give you your desired results.
Water… Drinking and Soaking
This, in my opinion, is the second most important factor in vaginal health. I’m sure we don’t need to talk about the first and most important factor; the penis and the role it plays in your pH balance and overall health. That is a topic for another day. Drink water, water, and more water… If you have any type of odor the first thing you should evaluate is your liquid of choice. Water is indeed the key to health and definitely the thing you should consume in large quantities.
Water in another form can at times be counter productive in your pursuit to the perfect pH. Taking a long hot soak in bubbly water may be giving room for dirt from your feet an anus to find a resting place in your vagina. This can also be a cause for bacterial vaginosis. If you need to soak it may be wise to take a quick shower before plunging in the tub. This may assist at ridding your body of excess skin and dirt which may afford you the opportunity to soak a little longer.
A healthy vagina is important for overall health, and it’s crucial to choose the right products to maintain vaginal pH and flora. I hope this has been a helpful informative read.
Disclaimer: I am not a health professional, I am just a woman who has done the work to determine what products and practices make for a tasty kitty. I hope you have enjoyed your view inside the mind of Sugar Clark.
Be Blessed.
Great read and very informative!
Thank you for reading!!!!